Friday, December 18, 2009

Serving Those Less Fortunate

I believe that the greatest things in the world are not things, they are relationships and friendships that we form and nurture. When I went to work today and drove in the dark to Flamingo Surgical Center I had the feeling I was in for a tough morning. Not so much hard work as dealing with parents with sad histories and tragic stories.

My first patient was a 15 year old with a sad, sad syndrome that make her severely developmentally delayed and blind. She speaks Serbian and has no way to know why she would need to go to sleep in an OR and wake up with pain in her mouth. Her mouth is diseased and she live with pain and severe bleeding from he inflamed gums. Her father is an immigrant and her mother was abducted and had her head cut off. All because of who she was and what she believed. I held her closely as she breathed the inhaled gas that puts her to sleep. I opened her mouth after anesthesia was ready and saw a mess. One created by many years of her not ever allowing anyone to brush her teeth or gums. It was beyond sad what I saw and I slowly worked through the problems and saw why she was in pain. Teeth were removed and two big abscesses were drained. It was a case that I needed a shower when I was done. I felt dirty, I was dirty and yet full of love for this young lady. I knew she was going to suffer from teeth being removed and gums trimmed down. It was bloody and the odor was beyond belief. I had the opportunity to serve an angel today.

I finished and took her to recovery. I explained post operative instructions to her father through an interpreter. I saw a weathered man who looked much older than he really is, a man who wished he had a daughter that could be educated and married. Instead he got to be a single dad in a foreign country with a life long challenge in his daughter. I felt and saw his emotion as she was awakening and he shook my hand for a long time and said thank you. He smiled with teeth that were not good and yet I saw a blessed man. A man who has freedom and a man who knows love on a level that many do not learn. A disabled daughter that needs full time care- he knows how to be the caregiver of an angel, trapped in a body that does not work perfectly.

My next patient was a child with a full mouth of decayed baby teeth and parents that many would never, ever give the time of day. They are hard working folks that do not have skills that many would feel are necessary for success. I took several teeth out of this boy and crowned several teeth with stainless steel crowns, it was all I could do for him. A chunky kid with carrot red hair and rotten teeth. He went to recovery and I met with mom and dad, they were kind and relieved. Much different than they had been last week when they showed up having fed the child and the procedure had to be cancelled. General anesthesia has to occur on an empty stomach. He ate chicken and drank milk. Dad was extremely angry and had released a few words at me that were not mature. Thankfully I had met people like him before and educated him, he did leave a bit mad but came to the office to apologize, no longer mad. Today he was apologetic and gracious. A different man. A man I liked and a family that I wished the best for in the future. I know life is hard for them and I hope I made a positive impact for them.

Two kids, nothing truly exciting for the average dentist. A challenge, an opportunity and all in a days work for thousands of pediatric dentists that treat and love disabled kids and unskilled families. I am glad I accept Medicaid, many don't and say the patients never show up and are difficult. I have always been more excited to care for a van load of migrant children than a child with his mother in a Mercedes and a tennis dress. I had two fully insured patients today and left he surgical center knowing for sure I had made an impact for the better. I learned about not judging people. I learned about change that comes from calm and solid education, I realized how blessed I really am in my life.

Normal for me is different. I have to coax and educate and sedate children daily. Normal for most dentists is the desire to run the Nordstrom practice and do veneers and have perfect patients. Nobody truly gets the perfect world. Many talk about how good it is and how well they are doing. In 2009 it has become cool to talk about how sad and down the practices are due to the economy. I choose to not participate in the recession. I choose to work and teach and love those who walk through my doors. I am honored to serve, and I believe that work is the best cure for anxiety. If life finds me down I only have to think of the children with dental and social and maturity challenges that I am honored to serve. I also feel better, my worries and problems are different. Only different and yet real problems. Who am I? I am a man who went home feeling well, feeling like I made a difference- for the unseen, underserved and perfect souls in bodies that are never perfect. They do deserve the best care and to be treated with love and dignity. They deserve quality and kindness for sure. It was a successful day and it felt so, so good. Count your blessing if you have healthy kids and understand that we are one accident from total dependence on others, disability or death. Live each day-truly live and show gratitude, it is the true key to abundant living. Serving who I see daily is wonderful. Normal for me is just how I like it. I can't see me doing anything else. I am blessed- beyond measure. An now time for a hot shower. Happy Holidays!

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