Thursday, December 10, 2009

Every saint has a past.....

I once heard the statement that "every saint has a past and every sinner has a future." I believe that those words are true and that the meaning for us is to be cautious regarding judgement and recognize that pride and arrogance will not serve us well. I have had many chances to observe people in my life and career. I am amazed at how often I am completely wrong about my first judgements regarding people. If we were less self absorbed and would listen to others in an authentic fashion, we would find that everyone wants to be treated with dignity and kindness.

I believe in redemption. I love stories where a person steps up and comes through to do something amazing. James Braddock in "Cinderella Man", an awesome film, a more amazing story. A story of sacrifice and redemption. When he goes to the welfare office and pays back what he used when in need- I am amazed. I feel that recognizing that people are teachable and redeemable is important for all of us to realize. I saw a mother today in the office who adopted a 14 month old child. She has wanted to be a mother for a long, long time. She has adopted this child for three weeks and she was beaming. I could see and feel the happiness-everyone could in the office. I hope she finds joy in her life as a mother. Hopefully she has brought a desire in her life to fruition. It is good for her and the baby. Redemption and fulfillment glowed from her smile.

I write in my journal regularly and a line that is commonly written this past year has been; "I hope I never forget how I feel at this time in my life." In a new city with a new practice, in a near economic disaster also known as the 2009 Vegas economy. I am proud to be standing and have my practice growing. I am proud to see medicaid patients and go to the ER's at night to see kids in pain. I gladly will do the dirty work to build my practice and serve all comers. If I can keep my energy and educate my patients- I will build a super practice. I am building a super practice and work with great people. I will never stop taking medicaid. Who needs care? The kids need care and I have never met a child that chose their parents dental insurance. I know that life is challenging for most people, including me. Just a man, just a father, just a soldier. I can build or I can be sarcastic and judgmental. Which one of those will serve me the best? Which is more skillful and christlike? I know the answer and now if I can remember who I really am and forgive myself and others. My life will be truly blessed. I have a past and I am not a saint- I know also that I control my future. It is truly up to me!

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