Saturday, April 9, 2011

Parents and Children

I work all day with children. As a Pediatric Dentist I meet all kind of children and parents. Some kids are little and some are much larger than I am. Some scream and others are calm and stoic. I take each patient encounter as a new challenge and seek to stay out of judgement. Honestly, I seldom look at my own parenting and wonder what will become of my own kids. Brian and Amy are good kids and I have had few problems with them. The highlight of my life was the birth process and the love that grew as infants for them that has not died down. If I had to grade my parenting I would probably not be very happy. I have made many efforts that were a stretch and seem truly selfless for them. I am nowhere near perfect! I smile when I see photos of them in the waves in Maui, the grand canal in Venice or in New York City. They are my legacy and I wish them well in their journey. I love them.
I found this piece about parenting and thought I would share it.
" If I had my Child to Raise Over Again"- by Diane Loomans

If I had my child to raise over again,
I would finger paint more and point the finger less.

I would do less correcting,
and more connecting.

I would take my eye off my watch,
and watch with my eyes.

I would care to know less,
and know to care more.

I would take more hikes,
and fly more kites.

I would stop playing serious,
and seriously play.

I would run through more fields,
and gaze at more stars.

I would do more hugging,
and far less tugging.

I would be firm less often,
and affirm much more.

I would build self-esteem first,
and build on the house later.

I would teach less about the love of power,
and teach more about the power of love.

My kids are a definite work in progress. I can look at them now and guide them when they let me. As adults I must allow them to think for themselves. My influence is limited by school and popularity. I am very comfortable in my place right now. I look at the little ones in my life daily and more often than not, I silently pray for them to have calm and peace. Some have little chance-based on the social situation alone. After 17 years of seeing kids grow and parents live their lives, the great thing is the number of times I have been happily suprised to see children succeed beyond my dreams. The sweetness of success is a constant reminder that the power of the mind is endless. Never stop believing that good things can occur. That concept that great people can come from all circumstances is the best part of my job!

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