The Black Eyed Peas were the warm up band and I did not know one song they sang for sure. They totally rocked. I mean they rocked!. I was all smiles from their music and I ended up familiar with most of the songs. The energy and rhythms with the chanting and rap portions were cool. During the break a pizza and beverage shows up- when Jeff quietly left. He is always far more giving than he ever recieves. A drunk woman a few rows back threw up and emptied rows of people. Loneliness defined, even her date walked away. It did not hit us thank goodness. What an event to miss due to being hammered. I watched as Metro arrested her and a janitorial crew came and cleaned it up. I will never, ever belittle a person who withstands the humiliation of cleaning up puke with angry concertgoers pushing to get into their seats for U2.
The spaceship stage lit up and Bono, The Edge, Adam and Larry stepped on stage and the rock began. This was a moving and beautiful show. Who is bigger than u2? Who is bigger than Bono? He is the ultimate showman and he never even said his name. He complimented his band mates and distinguished guests. He appears humble and complimentary. He is an amazing showman. I would love to meet him, to talk with him and meet a man who has incredible talent and who is a megastar that stays humble and gentle. He works endlessly for the people and the peace of the world and truly make things better. It was almost a religious experience-truly magnificent!
When they played "The City of Blinding Lights" it was beautiful! I had tears in my eyes because a year ago I moved to a city of blinding lights. Nothing has been easy here. I have been away from Denny-the one I love.( I wish she had been with me). I have truly been tested in a way I never dreamed of especially with this crazy economy. But last night I was smiling, I was dancing and very relaxed and happy. It was incredible! It was the fifth time I have seen U2. The first was in Washington DC with Jeff and my brother Scott. I thought that was also beyond words. Now 17 years later our lives have changed and we have aged. U2 has continued to entertain and change lives in the world. With great kindness and thought- Jeff changed my day and gave me a chance to smile and dance the night away. What band is bigger than U2? Come to think of it, Bono is big- so is Jeff.
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