Sunday, July 4, 2010

I Would Stand in Line for This

There is a song called "Extreme Ways" by Moby- it is a cool song for sure. I am constantly reminded of one stanza from the song- the statement made is " I would stand in line for this, I would stand in line for this". I love the song and think of the Jason Bourne movies when I hear it.
Once as the song played I was struck by the statement and wondered what in my life I would be willing to stand in line for? What is good enough to actually stand in line for?
In serving the people of third world countries I have seen lines of hundreds to get medical care or teeth removed. How would it be to stand in a huge line- hoping to be relieved of pain? If i was suffering- I would stand in line for relief. I think that our American culture can be selfish and oblivious to the sadness of those who suffer. There are people who wait in their Ed Hardy clothes to get into a Vegas club. They will stand in line for that! The chance to drink, dance and go home and share how cool the club scene was in Vegas. What about those who stand in line for food stamps, job interviews and health care-right here in Las Vegas? They will stand in line- because they have to stand in line.
What are the things that really matter in our lives? What would we be willing to stand in line for? What could we be forced to stand in line for? I would be honored to stand in line to catch a flight and visit my father. I would stand in line to provide service and improve the lives of others. I would stand in line to serve my great country. I would stand for many things and yet I find myself standing in line for things that I often do not need or even want. Sometimes we are forced to stand in line, other times we choose to line up and wait. Sometimes we choose things that we know will not work for us and we still line up willingly. We choose to suffer- we choose to be at peace. May we truly ponder the things we desire and value. If we find ourselves placing extra effort for something that does not serve us or others, we may want to step out of line or re-focus our vision. Maybe being "out of line " is actually better than standing in line for foolish pursuits. Ask yourself.........What would I stand in line for this and WHY?