Monday, March 29, 2010

The Prize

I am satisfied that I continue to gain understanding in my life. At times a simple truth slides into my consciousness and I recognize it and other times truth drops onto my head like an anvil. One of those lessons struck the core of my soul and I must share it with you.
I was concerned when a boy named Ryan walked into my office door with tears in his eyes and he would not make eye contact with me-even at his eye level. I was dentist number six and he still had teeth that hurt and a permanent molar that was abscessed. He had insurance and two hard working parents present with him in the clinic-nice people who wanted a solution to Ryan's growing dental problems. I know many sit in judgement and say, why didn't they brush his teeth? I do not want to ever assume that a situation that is already bad will be made better by harsh judgement. I know a kind and logical solution is needed and work days off shopping for dental care is not the solution to a family's financial challenges.
We talked and I weighed him, 74 pounds of handsome redhead- nine years old, wanting his dignity and as little pain as possible. Forty five minutes later he was ready to work, chatting and very relaxed from the oral sedative medicines I gave him. Nitrous Oxide on his nose and a pulse oximeter on his finger, he was quiet. He had his mother and father present with him and they watched closely. Injections went in and I started with the biggest problems first- my goal was to relieve the pain.
Just under one hour later he stood up and said "that wasn't that hard at all!" I gave him toys and his parents prescriptions and they walked out the door. All work done and two special tickets for them and a hug from Ryan.
During the sedation the father brought up the economy and not being able to attend the Monster Truck World Championships 2010-three days later. I had two tickets, 3rd row given to me by Dr Moxley. I offered them and he gladly took them. I felt good that there would be no need for dentist number seven. They found someone who could take a look and change a young boy's suffering.
I had invited my little friend Sonny De Crosta and he brought a friend. I also brought Cory, Blake and Bob. We arrived and I was lucky enough to sit by Ryan and his cousin. Dad decided if all kids in the family could not go he would send Ryan with his cousin. His parents must have put a nickel in him before the show. This little boy was non-stop talk, he knew all the trucks, filled me with information and showed me his silver teeth- he felt better and I was at total peace.
The monster trucks were amazing and I have never known what I was missing. I gave those boys dozens of high fives and was hoarse from yelling. I saw smiles, I passed kindness from Dr Moxley down to others and I am positive I got the most out of it. Yes, I took a risk inviting someone who had such an intense appointment at my office. What if the boy would not speak to me? Sonny and Ryan could not hide the smiles and my risk paid off. I left satisfied and knowing I had done the right thing.
In Iraq, when the Marines replaced the Army in the city of Fallujah, the incoming Marines were briefed by Major General James Mattis, an Infantryman, a well educated stud of a marine.. He stated that insurgents are the enemy, not the Iraqi people. Then he stated "THE PEOPLE ARE THE PRIZE!" I read every day and this statement hit me hard and stopped me. I took off my glasses and wrote it down. I have thought about it but have not found the correct words to describe how I felt. I will hunt no longer The Prize- I understand! It was the day after the monster trucks when I read this statement, the timing was perfect. The people are the prize!
From a fearful child with nervous parents, to a generous gift of tickets that I did not quite know how I would use them. To seeing huge smiles and having no voice from all of the fun. I was blown away what mindful sharing and caring could do. I was blessed and looked down the row at boys who deserved good things to happen. I thank God for my job and for knowing first hand what it means to be the recipient of unseen blessings.
Today, Monday-8:00 am- My patient named Guierrmo was 30 minutes early and I barely got the lights on and they were in the door. Spanish speakers and profound developmental disability in their son, aged 24. In the past it might have been an annoyance-no time to read the news. Not today- Guierrmo was the important visitor, his parents sought kindness. They found it, they found it today! I will gladly solve his dental needs. He was the prize that hour- he is Guierrmo, noble son of noble parents. I know that perfection exists, I saw it in his gaze, a perfect soul in a body that is not 100% perfect. I know his parents know true love and service. If not now - when? If not me -who? Who will serve, who will stop the arrogance and judgement? Mindful living must stay in my soul for me to be content. Who is my competition? Nobody! What does more stuff mean? I am tired of designer jeans and fake looks-I want to know how people feel. I want to know how you feel-how you feel. I am not beyond redemption and I know most humans have significant value. I think education and degrees make some of us "suffer" from a superiority complex. I want to be a worker, a craftsman and gentle servant. The checks are needed, the dental is fun- THE PEOPLE ARE THE PRIZE! Relationships can live on and who knows how influence will grow. Try it-find your prizes.