Sunday, February 28, 2010

Gratitude and How Fast We Forget

I clearly understand that physical activity and adrenaline are wonderful for keeping a clear head. For months and months, I had missed the endorphins of skiing a steep mountain and riding a dirt bike like my hair is on fire. I am so honored that my brother noticed my need to get out of my house and office more often. My brother took me to Mammoth Ski Area. Scott had rough "sierra cement" and not a ton of fun on his snowboard, while I skied for the first time since 2007. I had a blast and my legs are making a note of the stress of being older. The key point I wish to make is this: Gratitude is the key to abundant living and healthy relationships. One word, Gratitude, can make our lives better in most ways. He recognized my need and I recognize my need to be gracious.
For example , I teach at a dental school and have written many letters of recommendation for students. People will follow you, hound you, shadow you and make endless phone calls for a letter of support. I am stunned at the number of people who when they get what they want, do not even consider saying or e-mailing a note of thanks. They could call and say where they got in for dental education. They could punch a one line e-mail sharing the results- 0 for 7 this year, they all got in. I would love to know which residency I put my name and reputation on the line for. I would love to know which of my colleagues will live with entitled students who act as if they are owed something. Background and religion might have a role with teaching of gratitude. They appear to matter not to the hungry students. I pray I was not a jerk. I once heard a definition of the word fanatic- "a person who doubles their speed, when they do not know where they are going". To be dentist is a blessing, I love my job and the kids I care for daily. I know who is average and who is great in my world. I assure all of you that arrogance and entitlement are not great defining characteristics for a pediatric dentist or most people. I am beyond the "how it looks" stage- I care how it feels! I care how I feel and others as well. I seek humility, grace and gratitude in my life. Maybe that is wisdom or age talking.
To my students, I won't call you out for how I feel. I assure you that life, children,arrogance, entitlement, pain and defeat will teach you humility Can you seek out gratitude? I called my brother tonight and told him how much I appreciated his kindness and foresight. I will forever smile at the memories from the trip and seek to make a difference for him soon. Oh, and the letters. I will write more next year.