Sunday, September 20, 2009

Friends That Lift and Love

I wish that every person on this fragile planet has someone to talk with and share good times. I have several wonderful friends but few, if any, that strike me more than Cory and Bob. I have had a few rough weeks and have struggled to keep balance in my life. Several changes in the last years and seeking to be a good father, boss, teacher, dentist etc, can take a toll on a man at times.

Cory called and invited me to dinner. Maple planked salmon, how could I say no. The meal was fantastic and yet the food for my soul was far more meaningful. My stomach was satisfied and my heart was overflowing from the kindness and encouragement from the Wayman family. As I sat and was presented with an amazing appetizer of BBQ meatballs I sensed the authentic warmth of Cory and Bob. When I was feeling a bit blue, they empathized and encouraged me. They literally fed my soul and body. Sharing how they overcame challenges and kept sane in the process.

Cory works next door to me at Dr. Moxley's Oral Surgery Office. I see her daily. I enjoy seeing her daily. She brings me breakfast when she doesn't need to, and sends patients my way all the time. When I remodeled my office they were there. Cory was pulling up old carpet and hiring workers to assist. She spared no effort or expense to show kindness to her neighbor. That in my opinion is the kindness that pushes one toward heaven. By the ways she has MS and many with chronic illness quit and feel sorry for themselves, NOT CORY.

I was hungered and they gave me meat. Cory and Bob fed my body and yet in their gentle kindness fed my soul ten fold. Bob gave me calm and fatherly advice- be calm and know that you have friends. I do! Cory and Bob served the perfect portions for body and soul. Doing the right thing at the right time. It is a true gift to make someone feel so valued and worthy. I think the good samaritan would have agreed.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I love the Travel Channel

On a windy Sunday morning after two hours of reading, I turn on the TV and evaluate programs to allow me to sit a bit longer on the couch and relax. I used to go for the comedy, sports etc and now in my forties I gravitate toward the Travel Channel. In my mind, well worth the price of cable television alone. I love to watch Anthony Bourdain travel to amazing places and I truly love his commentary. It is sometimes dark and sarcastic, the meanings are funny and cutting. And yet remarkably authentic. I read two of his books and could not be happier that he is a man who beoming an icon. Cool and revered, if only by forty five year old men wishing they could travel for a living. As I seek to move on in my day comes Andrew Zimmern and Bizarre Foods. All I can say about him is that his enthusiastic approach to the most vomit evoking edibles puts me on edge regularly. And yet as he travels and interacts with people I am amazed at his kindness and gentility. I watch often for hours and get a wonderful cultural education in the process.

I love to watch Samantha Brown. She is charming and goes about travel in a pleasant way. I would love to see the cool places she goes in the interactive way that she does. Samantha makes the viewer feel comfortable and at ease. On the couch I feel like I am somewhere far away. Now I see the infamous Man vs. Food coming on. I wonder how Americans can watch while a man stuffs himself with the 6 pound burrito, the worlds hottest hamburger and enough to feed a neighborhood. Of course we have survivor shows that are filmed in places where people live. And to boot the contestants get a cash prize for surviving where others live!

When life is routine and day to day is just that- day to day. Hats off to the travel channel. I applaud the creativity to take people on trips and open cultural awareness of the viewers in their living room. I am certainly aging and maybe my choice of entertainment is a sign. Football, not today- I need the food channel and the latest 'Diners Drive Ins and Dives". On second thought I will go to the Nascar Cafe at the Sahara Casino and take my shot at the 6 pound burrito. No wonder a loving term for me, from my brother and good friend is calling me "fat bastard"- now is my chance to prove my mettle- does anyone know CPR?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I have two shrubs in my front yard that appear to have died. I kept on watering them by hand and they kept on getting worse. I even fertilized them with Miracle Grow and they still suffered.
The other day my neighbor George showed me a tool that changed my perception of things and improved the health of my shrubs. It is a plastic and metal wand that attaches to the end of the hose. When the water runs it sprays down the long metal wand into the soil. The ingenious product by Ross, waters the roots and gets the water where it needs to be, down in the root complex. I have since watched as the plants have begun to green up and look better in this hellish heat. All of my plants look better after having water distributed at the roots instead of the surface soil. The wand even has a way to fertilize the root system. Good invention Mr or Mrs Ross.
As I stood in the twilight with the heat of the day over, I thought about how many personal shrubs in my life deserve a different approach. I deserve to look at my life differently and actually get to the root of the problems. From business to spiritual matters I need to assess my needs and be smarter about how I approach them. I also believe that God blesses us often through other people. My neighbor George, a small tip and a short demonstration changed the life of my plants and more importantly reminded me to approach life in a more skillful manner.

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Spirit of Volunteerism

I got a text message from my brother Scott a few days ago that said " Dude, I'm off to E.S. Love you." I was again reminded about the great concept of "volunteers." I see the soldiers that I have served with in the Army and see the desire to step out of their comfort zone and go somewhere in the world and work. Seldom in the nicest of zip codes. Scott is a great person and a cool brother. He served his "mandatory reserve" two weeks for the Army in June and now is off to serve those who need dental care in the worst way.Because he wants to! He wants meaningful living. He signed up to serve in war zones twice and ended up in Fallujah- right in the middle of the Sunni Triangle. The worst place in the world to be in at that time. On a humanitarian mission to the Dominican Republic he served in schools all over the eastern part of the country. His section provided dental care with minimal security even with threats to their lives. He did not stay in camp, they went to work. He was leading soldiers and soldiers work in less than optimal circumstances.

The point is often overlooked that many of the professionals who serve in the Army Reserve Medical Corps are volunteers- to enrich their lives. They see a need and step up to say: send me and I will do the job and do it well. Some have laughed over the years that I am a pediatric dentist and why in the hell am I in the Army. Simply put, because I can [serve my country] and for the men and women next to me in the war zone or in a third world country. Do I need the Army money? Probably not- that is my business but I am blessed and I know it.

I was called to Iraq for the second time in the fall of 2007. My brother Scott was just home and he said there were two places in the south of Iraq I absolutely did not want to go to. One was Camp Bucca, a huge prison and the other was FOB Echo, because it was a very dangerous hellhole. I got Echo and went into service as the only American dentist there. I was honored to serve there. I went with an open mind and knew that I had sworn to be obedient to my command. I was satisfied because I was a volunteer. Isn't is superb to have choices!